The allure of topping search engine results pages has never been stronger. SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the magic tool every digital marketer wants to use effectively. But, unlike instant tools, SEO requires a well-thought-out content plan—especially one that evolves over 90 days.

In today’s guide, we’re rolling out a blueprint you can ‘steal’ to upgrade your SEO game. Whether you’re a content creator, an SEO enthusiast, or a digital marketer, let’s embark on an Aemorph journey that could transform your organic traffic.

Introduction to SEO Content Planning

SEO content planning isn’t just about adding keywords to articles; it’s a strategic approach to crafting content that thrives in search engines and captivates audiences. The importance of this process lies in its ability to drive organic traffic and improve website visibility consistently.

  1. Benefits of Content Planning
Steps that will help you understand which step you should take first before doing SEO.

(Listing of Steps will help you understand which step you should take first before doing SEO)

Benefits of SEO Content Planning

Successful SEO content planning can significantly benefit your website and business. Here are some key benefits:

  • Increased Organic Traffic: By targeting the right keywords and topics, you can attract a larger audience organically without paying for ads.
  • Improved Search Engine Rankings: Consistent, high-quality content planning helps your site climb the ranks of search engines, making it more visible to potential visitors.
  • Enhanced User Engagement: Thoughtfully planned content resonates with readers, keeping them engaged and on your site longer, which can also contribute to improved SEO.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: By aligning content with the user’s search intent, you’re more likely to convert visitors into customers or subscribers.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to paid advertising, a robust SEO strategy is more cost-effective in the long term, delivering sustainable results.
  • Credibility and Trust: Ranking well in search engines can boost your brand’s perceived credibility and trust among users.

By implementing a systematic SEO content plan, you position your site not only to be found but also to provide value that hooks visitors and turns them into loyal followers or customers.

Week 1-2: Understanding SEO Fundamentals

Before looking into content production, grasp the basics. SEO fundamentals encompass keywords, on-page optimisation, and the creation of quality content. An SEO fundamental also gaining traction is the use of entities, attributes, and values, vital for semantic search optimisation.

  • SEO Terms:
  • Keywords
  • On-page optimisation
  • Entity
  • Attribute
  • Value
  1. SEO Pyramid Process with Each Step
SEO fundamentals are a valuable process when doing SEO.

(Understanding SEO fundamentals is valuable for your process but starting slow is always the key to success)

Week 3-4: Identifying Your Central Search Intent and Entity

Your content strategy should revolve around the central search intent of your audience. Identifying this and pinpointing the central entity informs the direction your writing should take.

  1. Search Intent Types with Examples
four different search intent types with their purposes.

(Search intent types will always be used when creating content. You either know what you want to put in your content or optimising your content to match with the intent)

How to Identify Your Central Search Intent and Entity

Week 5-6: Keyword Research and Semantic Analysis Identify central search intent and entity

  • Conduct keyword research using tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Ahrefs
  • Analyse keywords for intent: information-seeking, purchase intent, or specific page search
  • Examine website analytics for patterns in user behaviour
  • Monitor social media conversations and surveys for direct feedback
  • Condense findings into core entity or topic
  • Align content with user intent and search engine rankings
  • Develop content that is found and valued by the target audience

The next step is uncovering topics and subtopics through keyword research and semantic analysis. Finding entities, predicates, hypernyms, and hyponyms will enhance the topical relevance of your content.

  1. Keyword Research on Search Intents
keyword research on different search intent.

(Knowing search intents is not enough to create content because the keyword will go deeper than what you seen in intents.)

Week 7-8: Crafting Your Content Pillars

Content pillars are the thematic cornerstones of your strategy. They correspond with the central entity and support a variety of related content that branches out in extensive topic coverage.

  1. Steps to Create Content Pillars
steps that help with content pillar creation.

(During the process of crafting the content pillar, knowing these steps helps you plan your next move wisely)

Content pillars serve as a foundation for your content marketing efforts, providing structure and focus to attract and engage your audience.

Week 9-12: Developing a Content Calendar

Organising your content creation through a content calendar makes consistency and strategic distribution. It helps to prioritise content types and maintain a rhythm in publishing.

  1. Content Calendar of Process on Content Creation
content plan will help you produce content for your website.

(Making a content plan will help you produce content for your website)

Best Practices for Developing a Content Calendar

When meticulously developing your content calendar, there are several best practices to ensure it’s both effective and manageable. Here’s a look at six pivotal guidelines:

  • Prioritise Flexibility: While consistency is key, your content calendar should allow for spontaneous industry-related posts that may arise from trending topics or unexpected events.
  • Incorporate All Content Formats: Your calendar should include blogs, videos, infographics, and social media posts to cater to various audience preferences and improve engagement.
  • Utilise Themes and Campaigns: Align content with monthly themes or marketing campaigns to create a coherent narrative and bolster your branding efforts.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of published content and be ready to make adjustments to future content plans accordingly.
  • Plan for Major Events: Identify important dates and events relevant to your industry and audience to create timely content that captures interest.
  • Assign Roles and Deadlines: Make it clear who is responsible for creating, editing, and publishing each piece of content to streamline the workflow and avoid confusion.

By adopting these practices, your content calendar will serve as a robust framework guiding your SEO content strategy toward measured progress and success.

Month 2-3: Content Creation and Optimisation

Creating SEO-friendly content is both a creative and technical endeavour. This phase involves writing, optimising for keywords, using meta tags, and strategically leveraging internal links.

6. Content Check Mark for Optimisation

the content plan that has a checkmark to help with the process of the website.

(Content creation duty with tags and optimising plan layout) 

Month 3: Performance Analysis and Iteration

As the plan progresses, analytics will be your must-do. Tools like Google Analytics help track your content’s performance, from which you can learn and adapt your strategy.

Aemorph can guarantee content quality with analysis and monthly reports for each month. With a 90-day plan, you will receive a higher click-through rate for your website and optimisation for your local country or worldwide.

  1. Analysis of Website for Optimising Plan
use tools to analyse the optimising plan in the process.

(Using tools to look into the analysis to help you with optimising the plan in the process)

Next Steps after Your SEO Plan

After investing three months in your SEO content plan, take stock of your progress. Then, gear up for constant strategy refinements driven by data analysis and industry evolution.

Continued learning in SEO is important. The resources listed below offer more in-depth insights and tools to further your knowledge and effectiveness in content marketing.

Building a successful SEO content plan is a journey of learning, analysing, and iterating. With this 90-day blueprint, you’ve got the guide—the journey of organic reach awaits. Now, go forth and conquer the search rankings!